Projects, Areas of Interest, Blogging, Ghost, Hobbies

Taking Ghost for a Test Drive

It is Sunday, the 27th of March 2022... and this is the first post on my blog.

I'm setting this up for a number of reasons that I will go into over due time, but one thing that I wanted to try is a platform that is different than wordpress.  I used to have a blog but I deleted it.  Part of the reason was that I was spending time working on widgets and plug ins and not enough time writing.  I hit a point where it didn't meet my standards and I pulled the plug which effectively took care of the technical glitches, but I lost some good ideas and notes.

Anyhow, I have messed around with wordpress quite a lot and appreciate what it can do.  But my problem is that when I want to write, I can easily go down the rabbit hole of installing plugins, messing around with themes, breaking things and really spending way too much time in the backend.

Trying not to do that... So, here it goes with Ghost.  

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